Quality Mental Healthcare is not a Luxury, it's a Necessity.

Through handpicked referrals and financial assistance we're ensuring Anglo students in Israel have access to high-quality mental healthcare.

Sarah's Story

Sarah came to Israel for a gap year program. Soon after arriving, she realized that the emotional damage she had experienced growing up was affecting her day to day life.

She knew she needed help but was in a foreign country with no family, no understanding of the healthcare system,
and no money to for mental health services. She had nowhere to turn.

Sarah was connected with Dassi from Keren Ezra who listened to her with care and concern. She was set up with a carefully selected psychotherapist and the majority of the costs were taken care of.

Fast forward 10 months, Sarah is back in America with a new hope for life. She is an overall happier and more relaxed person, and is excited to continue working hard towards building a beautiful life for herself and her future family.

Support The Costs of Student's Therapy

All donations are used to directly pay the therapists of students with mental health challenges.

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Giving monthly is an effective way to help ensure the stability of our programs and services.

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